Speeding in Neighborhood – Signatures Needed!

UPDATE: 22 May, 2018 After waiting several additional weeks, I still only received a total of only five household signatures to forward to the City for processing. Despite numerous complaints of speeding, this is the result. Unfortunately, this is as far as this issue will go. We do not have enough official interest to move forward. —– At the request of MANY of our neighbors, I have been coordinating with the City of Madison to help curtail speeding in our...

Recycling Cardboard

How to Handle Excess Cardboard

From the City of Madison: Bundle it or bring to drop-off site. The holidays are considered “the season of giving” for many, but for the recycling collection operators of the Streets Division the holidays are the “season of cardboard.” This time of year the Streets Division recycling collection operators see many homes with more cardboard than can fit into the recycling carts. Excess cardboard can be a challenge for operators to pick quickly and safely. The only place for excess...

Yard Waste

Yard Waste Collection Saturday November 25

From the City of Madison: Crews will be working a 10-hour day On Saturday, November 25, the Streets Division will perform curbside yard waste collection. Crews will be working a 10-hour day on November 25. Due to the lateness of the season, and the number of yard waste piles still at the curb, Streets Division staff determined that crews should work this upcoming Saturday in order to maximize the amount of material that can be picked up before the collection...

City of Madison Scam Alert

Fire Department Scam Alert

From the City of Madison: The Madison Fire Department has been notified of a telemarketer-style scam that may be gaining traction in the area, and we want to prevent unsuspecting citizens from falling victim to it. An area woman recently answered her telephone and spoke with someone purporting to be from “the fire department.” The caller asked the woman if she has her home smoke alarms checked regularly. When the woman told the caller her son is a firefighter and...

Road Construction

Hwy M Construction to Start

Just a reminder, the Hwy M project is starting! Many of us use this thoroughfare, so life will get just a tad tougher starting soon, and continuing through to 2019. The latest schedule indicates a construction start date of October 2. You can find the project details, schedule, and maps on the City of Madison – Hwy M Project page.

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