Happy Halloween
Hoping everyone has a happy and safe halloween, especially with the beautiful fall we’ve been blessed with!
Just a quick update on things – it has been a weedy summer but the contractor finally got caught up in the end! Roundabouts, medians and in particular, the park are all looking groomed again. They also addressed the suckers at the base of certain trees like crabapples. I hope next year we’ll be able to be more proactive regarding the weeding.
We also had a new layer of wood chips added at the playground for safety. We’ve requested that the contractor be sure there is a good layer of wood chips at all times – so that it is considered regular maintenance instead of just addressing the situation when it looks sparse.
The infiltration basin on the south side of the park needs some attention (erosion and edging) before Spring – we are getting quotes for the work shortly.
The photo for today’s post comes from our own neighborhood, by the way – what a wonderful display of halloween spirit!