Due to the construction that shut down a section of Valley View Road that started on June 24 (Click HERE for more information), and is not expected to reopen until sometime in August, much of the Linden Park Neighborhood has seen a tremendous increase in traffic. Along with that increase in traffic, we’ve all also unfortunately seen a huge rise in neighborhood speeding.
Some neighbors have posted “Slow Down” signs in their yard, and we highly encourage everyone that is willing to do so to post a sign in their yard as well – the showing of solidarity usually helps get the message across!
If you see any outright dangerous driving, there is a Madison Speeding Hotline at (608) 266-4822 or (608) 266-4624 (Both numbers listed as Speeders Hotlines). You can also report problems online using the Traffic Enforcement Reporting Form.
Finally, you can contact our alderperson at district1@cityofmadison.com
The more of us reporting speeding and working together, the better the odds are that it will help!