Park Drainage Update
Below is an overview of the situation at our park and an update as of 28 October 2016.
- As many people have noted, there is an issue at our park whereby there is overland flow on the Ancient Oak end of the park, which in winter causes ice buildup.
- At some point last winter, an individual slipped on the ice and fell – a claim to our insurance was subsequently made.
- DSI, our management company, obtained bids to address the issue. Low bid was $10,800 and funds were collected via our HOA fees.
- Over the course of the summer, we made attempts to work with Veridian on this issue to see if they would recognize that they have some liability due to improperly addressing the drainage during the design of the park. They refuse to meet with us.
- At one point our insurance company stated that they will not reissue our policy until the drainage issue is addressed.
- As a result of the threat to lose our insurance, we directed DSI to work with the low bidder to see if a lower cost could be obtained. Our current estimate is $8,188.
- We have also reached out to the City of Madison through our Alderperson, Barbara McKinney. Barbara and the City engineers have been very supportive. It is, however, our problem – maintenance of the park is the responsibility of the HOA as stated within our own CCRs.
- Due to Veridian refusing to work with us, the potential loss of our insurance, and the fact that we are now heading into late fall, we directed DSI to go ahead and issue a contract to Olson-Toon Landscaping. They are currently obtaining permits from the City to install a french drain that will tie into the City sewer.
- On 27 October we were informed that the necessary permits have been obtained.
- Work on installing a french drain at the park will begin during the week of 31 October through 4 November. The actual field work is expected to take 4 days.
So – bottom line – the board and I have done our best with this issue, but the HOA will be bearing the cost. We are forced to address this in order to retain insurance as well as to ensure a safe walkway for our neighbors this coming winter.
Although we will be bearing the costs initially, we will not give up on the idea that Veridian should have addressed this properly up front. We will continue to try to get them to recognize this. Our bargaining position, however, will be severely weakened due to having already performed the work and having paid for it. We have no choice.
The board and I will continue to keep you posted on progress.