No Mow May
From the City of Madison:
The City invites the community to support its pollinators and green spaces by mowing less and joining in its Low Mow May 2023 efforts.
As of May 1, 2023, the City will not enforce the tall grass ordinance for the remainder of the month. Low Mow May is a conservation initiative that promotes little or no mowing during the month of May to give pollinators the best chance at reproducing.
Research has shown significant declines in native pollinator population sizes and ranges globally. Up to 40 percent of pollinator species on earth may be at risk of extinction in the coming years as a result of habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. Research also found lawn heights of at least five inches support the most bees, when there are lawn flowers like dandelions, clovers, and violets. Therefore, the City will not be issuing violations for lawns with grass taller than eight inches as it normally would per City Ordinance.
“Madison is a certified Bee City which means we’ve made an official commitment to do what we can to conserve native pollinators. Low Mow May is just one initiative the City is taking to provide bees and other species with a healthy habitat that is rich in a variety of native plants, provides nest sites, and is protected from pesticides,” Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said.
Timing Benefits:
This is the time of year pollinators begin to emerge from hibernation to search for food sources. Now is also the time when the community begins mowing their lawns. The City recommends mowing twice this month instead of every seven to ten days.
- Liz Stanislawski , 608-266-9013, lstanislawksi@cityofmadison.com
Note to Linden Park residents – we default to the City of Madison regulations and will therefore not require grass height restrictions for the month of May accordingly.